2010年1月3日 星期日

Movie:Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Website: http://vcbmovie.pixnet.net/blog/

Director:Woody Allen

Starring:Scarlett Johansson、Penélope Cruz、Javier Bardem


This movie depicts the modern love happenend in Barcelona. The director wants to express the idea that it's not necessary to definite the shape of love. For example, love can cross the boundary of natural sex and numbers of people. It doesn't matter whether the love happened between homosexual people and heterosexual people or 2-3 women shares a husband. Actually, the movie used some exaggeration to amplify this kind of idea and thus the style of the movie is more funniner comparing to the same type of movie.

Penélope Cruz

Scarlett Johansson

My Reflection

At first, I really feel shcok to see the director's idea of "love", since I come from a very conventional family. It's known that only one female and one male can be called "falling in love with each other."Thus, it's novel to see the love between homosexuality, heterosexuality and more than 2 people involving in the relationship of "love."It just broadens my horizon.

Maybe because of the style of the movie, I totally accepted this idea of "love" after I watched the movie. In fact, every one has there right to chase what they really want in their lives. Therefore, as long as they feel happy to be themselves, it's okay to do what they like without caring other one's opinion. After all, everyone only has one life to live. Isn't it?

Haha! However,to my self, I think I still need some time to try this kind of "love."

1 則留言:

  1. The relationship in this movie is complex. If you can’t accept that, you may not like this romantic movie.
